Source code for bitcoincash.base58

# Copyright (C) 2011 Sam Rushing
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 The python-bitcoinlib developers
# This file is part of python-bitcoincashlib.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution.
# No part of python-bitcoinlib, including this file, may be copied, modified,
# propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
# LICENSE file.

"""Base58 encoding and decoding"""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import sys
_bchr = chr
_bord = ord
if sys.version > '3':
    long = int
    _bchr = lambda x: bytes([x])
    _bord = lambda x: x

import binascii

import bitcoincash.core

B58_DIGITS = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'

[docs]class Base58Error(Exception): pass
[docs]class InvalidBase58Error(Base58Error): """Raised on generic invalid base58 data, such as bad characters. Checksum failures raise Base58ChecksumError specifically. """ pass
[docs]def encode(b): """Encode bytes to a base58-encoded string""" # Convert big-endian bytes to integer n = int('0x0' + binascii.hexlify(b).decode('utf8'), 16) # Divide that integer into bas58 res = [] while n > 0: n, r = divmod(n, 58) res.append(B58_DIGITS[r]) res = ''.join(res[::-1]) # Encode leading zeros as base58 zeros czero = b'\x00' if sys.version > '3': # In Python3 indexing a bytes returns numbers, not characters. czero = 0 pad = 0 for c in b: if c == czero: pad += 1 else: break return B58_DIGITS[0] * pad + res
[docs]def decode(s): """Decode a base58-encoding string, returning bytes""" if not s: return b'' # Convert the string to an integer n = 0 for c in s: n *= 58 if c not in B58_DIGITS: raise InvalidBase58Error('Character %r is not a valid base58 character' % c) digit = B58_DIGITS.index(c) n += digit # Convert the integer to bytes h = '%x' % n if len(h) % 2: h = '0' + h res = binascii.unhexlify(h.encode('utf8')) # Add padding back. pad = 0 for c in s[:-1]: if c == B58_DIGITS[0]: pad += 1 else: break return b'\x00' * pad + res
[docs]class Base58ChecksumError(Base58Error): """Raised on Base58 checksum errors""" pass
[docs]class CBase58Data(bytes): """Base58-encoded data Includes a version and checksum. """ def __new__(cls, s): k = decode(s) verbyte, data, check0 = k[0:1], k[1:-4], k[-4:] check1 = bitcoincash.core.Hash(verbyte + data)[:4] if check0 != check1: raise Base58ChecksumError('Checksum mismatch: expected %r, calculated %r' % (check0, check1)) return cls.from_bytes(data, _bord(verbyte[0])) def __init__(self, s): """Initialize from base58-encoded string Note: subclasses put your initialization routines here, but ignore the argument - that's handled by __new__(), and .from_bytes() will call __init__() with None in place of the string. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, data, nVersion): """Instantiate from data and nVersion""" if not (0 <= nVersion <= 255): raise ValueError('nVersion must be in range 0 to 255 inclusive; got %d' % nVersion) self = bytes.__new__(cls, data) self.nVersion = nVersion return self
[docs] def to_bytes(self): """Convert to bytes instance Note that it's the data represented that is converted; the checkum and nVersion is not included. """ return b'' + self
def __str__(self): """Convert to string""" vs = _bchr(self.nVersion) + self check = bitcoincash.core.Hash(vs)[0:4] return encode(vs + check) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
__all__ = ( 'B58_DIGITS', 'Base58Error', 'InvalidBase58Error', 'encode', 'decode', 'Base58ChecksumError', 'CBase58Data', )