Source code for bitcoincash.electrum.svr_info

# Store information about servers. Filter and select based on their protocol support, etc.

# Runtime check for optional modules
from importlib import util as importutil

# Check if bottom is present.
if importutil.find_spec("bottom") is not None:
    have_bottom = True
    have_bottom = False

import time, random, json

[docs]class ServerInfo(dict): ''' Information to be stored on a server. Originally based on IRC data published to a channel. ''' FIELDS = ['nickname', 'hostname', 'ports', 'version', 'pruning_limit' ] def __init__(self, nickname_or_dict, hostname=None, ports=None, version=None, pruning_limit=None, ip_addr=None): if not hostname and not ports: # promote a dict, or similar super(ServerInfo, self).__init__(nickname_or_dict) return self['nickname'] = nickname_or_dict or None self['hostname'] = hostname self['ip_addr'] = ip_addr or None # For 'ports', take # - a number (int), assumed to be TCP port, OR # - a list of codes, OR # - a string to be split apart. # Keep version and pruning limit separate # if isinstance(ports, int): ports = ['t%d' % ports] elif isinstance(ports, str): ports = ports.split() # check we don't have junk in the ports list for p in ports.copy(): if p[0] == 'v': version = p[1:] ports.remove(p) elif p[0] == 'p': try: pruning_limit = int(p[1:]) except ValueError: # ignore junk pass ports.remove(p) assert ports, "Must have at least one port/protocol" self['ports'] = ports self['version'] = version self['pruning_limit'] = int(pruning_limit or 0)
[docs] @classmethod def from_response(cls, response_list): # Create a list of servers based on data from response from Stratum. # Give this the response to: "server.peers.subscribe" # # [... # "", # "", # [ "v1.0", "p10000", "t", "s" ] # ...] # rv = [] for params in response_list: ip_addr, hostname, ports = params if ip_addr == hostname: ip_addr = None rv.append(ServerInfo(None, hostname, ports, ip_addr=ip_addr)) return rv
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): n = d.pop('nickname', None) h = d.pop('hostname') p = d.pop('ports') rv = cls(n, h, p) rv.update(d) return rv
[docs] @classmethod def from_default(cls): return cls( DEFAULT_SERVER, DEFAULT_SERVER, BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS[DEFAULT_SERVER])
@property def protocols(self): rv = set(i[0] for i in self['ports']) assert 'p' not in rv, 'pruning limit got in there' assert 'v' not in rv, 'version got in there' return rv @property def pruning_limit(self): return self.get('pruning_limit', 100) @property def hostname(self): return self.get('hostname')
[docs] def get_port(self, for_protocol): ''' Return (hostname, port number, ssl) pair for the protocol. Assuming only one port per host. ''' assert len(for_protocol) == 1, "expect single letter code" use_ssl = for_protocol in ('s', 'g') if 'port' in self: return self['hostname'], int(self['port']), use_ssl rv = next(i for i in self['ports'] if i[0] == for_protocol) port = None if len(rv) >= 2: try: port = int(rv[1:]) except: pass port = port or DEFAULT_PORTS[for_protocol] return self['hostname'], port, use_ssl
@property def is_onion(self): return self['hostname'].lower().endswith('.onion')
[docs] def select(self, protocol='s', is_onion=None, min_prune=0): # predicate function for selection based on features/properties return ((protocol in self.protocols) and (self.is_onion == is_onion if is_onion is not None else True) and (self.pruning_limit >= min_prune))
def __repr__(self): return '<ServerInfo {hostname} nick={nickname} ports="{ports}" v={version} prune={pruning_limit}>'\ .format(**self) def __str__(self): # used as a dict key in a few places. return self['hostname'].lower() def __hash__(self): # this one-line allows use as a set member, which is really handy! return hash(self['hostname'].lower())
[docs]class KnownServers(dict): ''' Store a list of known servers and their port numbers, etc. - can add single entries - can read from a CSV for seeding/bootstrap - can read from IRC channel to find current hosts We are a dictionary, with key being the hostname (in lowercase) of the server. '''
[docs] def from_json(self, fname): ''' Read contents of a CSV containing a list of servers. ''' with open(fname, 'rt') as fp: for row in json.load(fp): nn = ServerInfo.from_dict(row) self[str(nn)] = nn
[docs] def add_single(self, hostname, ports, nickname=None, **kws): ''' Explicitly add a single entry. Hostname is a FQDN and ports is either a single int (assumed to be TCP port) or Electrum protocol/port number specification with spaces in between. ''' nickname = nickname or hostname self[hostname.lower()] = ServerInfo(nickname, hostname, ports, **kws)
[docs] def add_peer_response(self, response_list): # Update with response from Stratum (lacks the nickname value tho): # # "", # "", # [ "v1.0", "p10000", "t", "s" ] # additions = set() for params in response_list: ip_addr, hostname, ports = params if ip_addr == hostname: ip_addr = None g = self.get(hostname.lower()) nickname = g['nickname'] if g else None here = ServerInfo(nickname, hostname, ports, ip_addr=ip_addr) self[str(here)] = here if not g: additions.add(str(here)) return additions
[docs] def save_json(self, fname='servers.json'): ''' Write out to a CSV file. ''' rows = sorted(self.keys()) with open(fname, 'wt') as fp: json.dump([self[k] for k in rows], fp, indent=1)
[docs] def dump(self): return '\n'.join(repr(i) for i in self.values())
[docs] def select(self, **kws): ''' Find all servers with indicated protocol support. Shuffled. Filter by TOR support, and pruning level. ''' lst = [i for i in self.values() if**kws)] random.shuffle(lst) return lst
if __name__ == '__main__': ks = KnownServers() #ks.from_json('servers.json') #print (ks.dump()) from constants import PROTOCOL_CODES print ("%3d: servers in total" % len(ks)) for tor in [False, True]: for pp in PROTOCOL_CODES.keys(): ll =, is_onion=tor) print ("%3d: %s" % (len(ll), PROTOCOL_CODES[pp] + (' [TOR]' if tor else ''))) # EOF