Source code for bitcoincash.wallet

# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 The python-bitcoinlib developers
# This file is part of python-bitcoinlib.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution.
# No part of python-bitcoinlib, including this file, may be copied, modified,
# propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
# LICENSE file.

"""Wallet-related functionality

Includes things like representing addresses and converting them to/from
scriptPubKeys; currently there is no actual wallet support implemented.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import sys

_bord = ord
if sys.version > '3':
    _bord = lambda x: x

import bitcoincash
import bitcoincash.base58
import bitcoincash.cashaddr
import bitcoincash.core
import bitcoincash.core.key
import bitcoincash.core.script as script

[docs]class CBitcoinAddressError(Exception): """Raised when an invalid Bitcoin address is encountered"""
[docs]class CBitcoinAddress(bitcoincash.cashaddr.CashAddrData): """A Bitcoin address"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, data, prefix, kind): self = super(CBitcoinAddress, cls).from_bytes(data, prefix, kind) if kind == bitcoincash.cashaddr.SCRIPT_TYPE: self.__class__ = P2SHBitcoinAddress elif kind == bitcoincash.cashaddr.PUBKEY_TYPE: self.__class__ = P2PKHBitcoinAddress else: raise CBitcoinAddressError('Type %d not a recognized Bitcoin Address' % kind) if prefix != bitcoincash.params.CASHADDR_PREFIX: raise CBitcoinAddressError("The address looks valid, " "however prefix does not match selected network params " "(got {}, expected {}".format( prefix, bitcoincash.params.CASHADDR_PREFIX)) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_scriptPubKey(cls, scriptPubKey): """Convert a scriptPubKey to a CBitcoinAddress Returns a CBitcoinAddress subclass, either P2SHBitcoinAddress or P2PKHBitcoinAddress. If the scriptPubKey is not recognized CBitcoinAddressError will be raised. """ try: return P2SHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey) except (CBitcoinAddressError, ValueError): pass try: return P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey) except (CBitcoinAddressError, ValueError): pass raise CBitcoinAddressError('scriptPubKey not a valid address')
[docs] def to_scriptPubKey(self): """Convert an address to a scriptPubKey""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_scriptHash(self, *, hashfunc = "sha256"): """A script hash is the hash of the binary bytes of the locking script (ScriptPubKey), expressed as a hexadecimal string. Like for block and transaction hashes, when converting the big-endian binary hash to a hexadecimal string the least-significant byte appears first, and the most-significant byte last. This representation of an address is used in the Electrum protocol.""" if hashfunc != "sha256": raise ValueError("Only sha256 hash function is supported") import hashlib return bitcoincash.core.b2lx(hashlib.sha256(self.to_scriptPubKey()).digest())
[docs]class P2SHBitcoinAddress(CBitcoinAddress):
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, data, prefix, kind): if kind != bitcoincash.cashaddr.SCRIPT_TYPE: raise ValueError('Address type encoding incorrect for P2SH address: got %d; expected %d' % \ (kind, bitcoincash.cashaddr.SCRIPT_TYPE)) return super(P2SHBitcoinAddress, cls).from_bytes(data, prefix, kind)
[docs] @classmethod def from_redeemScript(cls, redeemScript): """Convert a redeemScript to a P2SH address Convenience function: equivalent to P2SHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()) """ return cls.from_scriptPubKey(redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey())
[docs] @classmethod def from_scriptPubKey(cls, scriptPubKey): """Convert a scriptPubKey to a P2SH address Raises CBitcoinAddressError if the scriptPubKey isn't of the correct form. """ if scriptPubKey.is_p2sh(): return cls.from_bytes(scriptPubKey[2:22], bitcoincash.params.CASHADDR_PREFIX, bitcoincash.cashaddr.SCRIPT_TYPE) else: raise CBitcoinAddressError('not a P2SH scriptPubKey')
[docs] def to_scriptPubKey(self): """Convert an address to a scriptPubKey""" assert self.kind == bitcoincash.cashaddr.SCRIPT_TYPE return script.CScript([script.OP_HASH160, self, script.OP_EQUAL])
[docs]class P2PKHBitcoinAddress(CBitcoinAddress):
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, data, prefix, kind): if kind != bitcoincash.cashaddr.PUBKEY_TYPE: raise ValueError('Address type incorrect for P2PKH address: got %d; expected %d' % \ (kind, bitcoincash.cashaddr.PUBKEY_TYPE)) return super(P2PKHBitcoinAddress, cls).from_bytes(data, prefix, kind)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pubkey(cls, pubkey, accept_invalid=False): """Create a P2PKH bitcoin address from a pubkey Raises CBitcoinAddressError if pubkey is invalid, unless accept_invalid is True. The pubkey must be a bytes instance; CECKey instances are not accepted. """ if not isinstance(pubkey, bytes): raise TypeError('pubkey must be bytes instance; got %r' % pubkey.__class__) if not accept_invalid: if not isinstance(pubkey, bitcoincash.core.key.CPubKey): pubkey = bitcoincash.core.key.CPubKey(pubkey) if not pubkey.is_fullyvalid: raise CBitcoinAddressError('invalid pubkey') pubkey_hash = bitcoincash.core.Hash160(pubkey) return P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_bytes(pubkey_hash, bitcoincash.params.CASHADDR_PREFIX, bitcoincash.cashaddr.PUBKEY_TYPE)
[docs] @classmethod def from_scriptPubKey(cls, scriptPubKey, accept_non_canonical_pushdata=True, accept_bare_checksig=True): """Convert a scriptPubKey to a P2PKH address Raises CBitcoinAddressError if the scriptPubKey isn't of the correct form. accept_non_canonical_pushdata - Allow non-canonical pushes (default True) accept_bare_checksig - Treat bare-checksig as P2PKH scriptPubKeys (default True) """ if accept_non_canonical_pushdata: # Canonicalize script pushes scriptPubKey = script.CScript(scriptPubKey) # in case it's not a CScript instance yet try: scriptPubKey = script.CScript(tuple(scriptPubKey)) # canonicalize except bitcoincash.core.script.CScriptInvalidError: raise CBitcoinAddressError('not a P2PKH scriptPubKey: script is invalid') if (len(scriptPubKey) == 25 and _bord(scriptPubKey[0]) == script.OP_DUP and _bord(scriptPubKey[1]) == script.OP_HASH160 and _bord(scriptPubKey[2]) == 0x14 and _bord(scriptPubKey[23]) == script.OP_EQUALVERIFY and _bord(scriptPubKey[24]) == script.OP_CHECKSIG): return cls.from_bytes(scriptPubKey[3:23], bitcoincash.params.CASHADDR_PREFIX, bitcoincash.cashaddr.PUBKEY_TYPE) elif accept_bare_checksig: pubkey = None # We can operate on the raw bytes directly because we've # canonicalized everything above. if (len(scriptPubKey) == 35 # compressed and _bord(scriptPubKey[0]) == 0x21 and _bord(scriptPubKey[34]) == script.OP_CHECKSIG): pubkey = scriptPubKey[1:34] elif (len(scriptPubKey) == 67 # uncompressed and _bord(scriptPubKey[0]) == 0x41 and _bord(scriptPubKey[66]) == script.OP_CHECKSIG): pubkey = scriptPubKey[1:65] if pubkey is not None: return cls.from_pubkey(pubkey, accept_invalid=True) raise CBitcoinAddressError('not a P2PKH scriptPubKey')
[docs] def to_scriptPubKey(self): """Convert an address to a scriptPubKey""" assert self.kind == bitcoincash.cashaddr.PUBKEY_TYPE return script.CScript([script.OP_DUP, script.OP_HASH160, self, script.OP_EQUALVERIFY, script.OP_CHECKSIG])
[docs]class CKey(object): """An encapsulated secp256k1 private key Attributes: pub - The corresponding CPubKey for this private key is_compressed - True if compressed """ def __init__(self, secret, compressed=True): self._cec_key = bitcoincash.core.key.CECKey() self._cec_key.set_secretbytes(secret) self._cec_key.set_compressed(compressed) = bitcoincash.core.key.CPubKey(self._cec_key.get_pubkey(), self._cec_key) @property def is_compressed(self): return
[docs] def signECDSA(self, hash): return self._cec_key.sign(hash)
[docs] def sign_compactECDSA(self, hash): return self._cec_key.sign_compact(hash)
[docs] def signSchnorr(self, hash): """ Create a Schnorr signature """ import bitcoincash.core.schnorr as schnorr return schnorr.sign(self._cec_key.get_raw_privkey(), hash)
[docs]class CBitcoinSecretError(bitcoincash.base58.Base58Error): pass
[docs]class CBitcoinSecret(bitcoincash.base58.CBase58Data, CKey): """A base58-encoded secret key"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_secret_bytes(cls, secret, compressed=True): """Create a secret key from a 32-byte secret""" self = cls.from_bytes(secret + (b'\x01' if compressed else b''), bitcoincash.params.BASE58_PREFIXES['SECRET_KEY']) self.__init__(None) return self
def __init__(self, s): if self.nVersion != bitcoincash.params.BASE58_PREFIXES['SECRET_KEY']: raise CBitcoinSecretError('Not a base58-encoded secret key: got nVersion=%d; expected nVersion=%d' % \ (self.nVersion, bitcoincash.params.BASE58_PREFIXES['SECRET_KEY'])) CKey.__init__(self, self[0:32], len(self) > 32 and _bord(self[32]) == 1)
[docs]def legacy_to_cashaddr(legacy_addr): legacy = bitcoincash.base58.CBase58Data(legacy_addr) if legacy.nVersion == bitcoincash.params.BASE58_PREFIXES['PUBKEY_ADDR']: addr_type = bitcoincash.cashaddr.PUBKEY_TYPE elif legacy.nVersion == bitcoincash.params.BASE58_PREFIXES['SCRIPT_ADDR']: addr_type = bitcoincash.cashaddr.SCRIPT_TYPE else: raise CBitcoinAddressError("Unknown base58 address version {}".format(legacy.nVersion)) return bitcoincash.cashaddr.encode_full( bitcoincash.params.CASHADDR_PREFIX, addr_type, legacy.to_bytes())
__all__ = ( 'CBitcoinAddressError', 'CBitcoinAddress', 'P2SHBitcoinAddress', 'P2PKHBitcoinAddress', 'CKey', 'CBitcoinSecretError', 'CBitcoinSecret', 'legacy_to_cashaddr', )