Source code for bitcoincash.core.serialize

# Copyright (C) 2012-2018 The python-bitcoinlib developers
# This file is part of python-bitcoinlib.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution.
# No part of python-bitcoinlib, including this file, may be copied, modified,
# propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
# LICENSE file.

"""Serialization routines

You probabably don't need to use these directly.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import hashlib
import struct

# Py3 compatibility
import sys

if sys.version > '3':
    _bchr = lambda x: bytes([x])
    _bord = lambda x: x[0]
    from io import BytesIO as _BytesIO
    _bchr = chr
    _bord = ord
    from cStringIO import StringIO as _BytesIO

MAX_SIZE = 0x02000000

[docs]def Hash(msg): """SHA256^2)(msg) -> bytes""" return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()).digest()
[docs]def Hash160(msg): """RIPEME160(SHA256(msg)) -> bytes""" h ='ripemd160') h.update(hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()) return h.digest()
[docs]class SerializationError(Exception): """Base class for serialization errors"""
[docs]class SerializationTruncationError(SerializationError): """Serialized data was truncated Thrown by deserialize() and stream_deserialize() """
[docs]class DeserializationExtraDataError(SerializationError): """Deserialized data had extra data at the end Thrown by deserialize() when not all data is consumed during deserialization. The deserialized object and extra padding not consumed are saved. """ def __init__(self, msg, obj, padding): super(DeserializationExtraDataError, self).__init__(msg) self.obj = obj self.padding = padding
[docs]def ser_read(f, n): """Read from a stream safely Raises SerializationError and SerializationTruncationError appropriately. Use this instead of in your classes stream_(de)serialization() functions. """ if n > MAX_SIZE: raise SerializationError('Asked to read 0x%x bytes; MAX_SIZE exceeded' % n) r = if len(r) < n: raise SerializationTruncationError('Asked to read %i bytes, but only got %i' % (n, len(r))) return r
[docs]class Serializable(object): """Base class for serializable objects""" __slots__ = []
[docs] def stream_serialize(self, f): """Serialize to a stream""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, f): """Deserialize from a stream""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def serialize(self): """Serialize, returning bytes""" f = _BytesIO() self.stream_serialize(f) return f.getvalue()
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, buf, allow_padding=False): """Deserialize bytes, returning an instance allow_padding - Allow buf to include extra padding. (default False) If allow_padding is False and not all bytes are consumed during deserialization DeserializationExtraDataError will be raised. """ fd = _BytesIO(buf) r = cls.stream_deserialize(fd) if not allow_padding: padding = if len(padding) != 0: raise DeserializationExtraDataError('Not all bytes consumed during deserialization', r, padding) return r
[docs] def GetHash(self): """Return the hash of the serialized object""" return Hash(self.serialize())
def __eq__(self, other): if (not isinstance(other, self.__class__) and not isinstance(self, other.__class__)): return NotImplemented return self.serialize() == other.serialize() def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.serialize())
[docs]class ImmutableSerializable(Serializable): """Immutable serializable object""" __slots__ = ['_cached_GetHash', '_cached__hash__'] def __setattr__(self, name, value): raise AttributeError('Object is immutable') def __delattr__(self, name): raise AttributeError('Object is immutable')
[docs] def GetHash(self): """Return the hash of the serialized object""" try: return self._cached_GetHash except AttributeError: _cached_GetHash = super(ImmutableSerializable, self).GetHash() object.__setattr__(self, '_cached_GetHash', _cached_GetHash) return _cached_GetHash
def __hash__(self): try: return self._cached__hash__ except AttributeError: _cached__hash__ = hash(self.serialize()) object.__setattr__(self, '_cached__hash__', _cached__hash__) return _cached__hash__
[docs]class Serializer(object): """Base class for object serializers""" def __new__(cls): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def stream_serialize(cls, obj, f): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, f): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def serialize(cls, obj): f = _BytesIO() cls.stream_serialize(obj, f) return f.getvalue()
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, buf): if isinstance(buf, str) or isinstance(buf, bytes): buf = _BytesIO(buf) return cls.stream_deserialize(buf)
[docs]class VarIntSerializer(Serializer): """Serialization of variable length ints"""
[docs] @classmethod def stream_serialize(cls, i, f): if i < 0: raise ValueError('varint must be non-negative integer') elif i < 0xfd: f.write(_bchr(i)) elif i <= 0xffff: f.write(_bchr(0xfd)) f.write(struct.pack(b'<H', i)) elif i <= 0xffffffff: f.write(_bchr(0xfe)) f.write(struct.pack(b'<I', i)) else: f.write(_bchr(0xff)) f.write(struct.pack(b'<Q', i))
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, f): r = _bord(ser_read(f, 1)) if r < 0xfd: return r elif r == 0xfd: return struct.unpack(b'<H', ser_read(f, 2))[0] elif r == 0xfe: return struct.unpack(b'<I', ser_read(f, 4))[0] else: return struct.unpack(b'<Q', ser_read(f, 8))[0]
[docs]class BytesSerializer(Serializer): """Serialization of bytes instances"""
[docs] @classmethod def stream_serialize(cls, b, f): VarIntSerializer.stream_serialize(len(b), f) f.write(b)
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, f): l = VarIntSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) return ser_read(f, l)
[docs]class VectorSerializer(Serializer): """Base class for serializers of object vectors""" # FIXME: stream_(de)serialize don't match the signatures of the base class # due to the inner_cls parameter. This probably isn't optimal API design # and should be rethought at some point.
[docs] @classmethod def stream_serialize(cls, inner_cls, objs, f): VarIntSerializer.stream_serialize(len(objs), f) for obj in objs: inner_cls.stream_serialize(obj, f)
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, inner_cls, f): n = VarIntSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) r = [] for i in range(n): r.append(inner_cls.stream_deserialize(f)) return r
[docs]class uint256VectorSerializer(Serializer): """Serialize vectors of uint256"""
[docs] @classmethod def stream_serialize(cls, uints, f): VarIntSerializer.stream_serialize(len(uints), f) for uint in uints: assert len(uint) == 32 f.write(uint)
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, f): n = VarIntSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) r = [] for i in range(n): r.append(ser_read(f, 32)) return r
[docs]class intVectorSerializer(Serializer):
[docs] @classmethod def stream_serialize(cls, ints, f): l = len(ints) VarIntSerializer.stream_serialize(l, f) for i in ints: f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", i))
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, f): l = VarIntSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) ints = [] for i in range(l): ints.append(struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f, 4))[0]) return ints
[docs]class VarStringSerializer(Serializer): """Serialize variable length byte strings"""
[docs] @classmethod def stream_serialize(cls, s, f): l = len(s) VarIntSerializer.stream_serialize(l, f) f.write(s)
[docs] @classmethod def stream_deserialize(cls, f): l = VarIntSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) return ser_read(f, l)
[docs]def uint256_from_str(s): """Convert bytes to uint256""" r = 0 t = struct.unpack(b"<IIIIIIII", s[:32]) for i in range(8): r += t[i] << (i * 32) return r
[docs]def uint256_from_compact(c): """Convert compact encoding to uint256 Used for the nBits compact encoding of the target in the block header. """ nbytes = (c >> 24) & 0xFF if nbytes <= 3: v = (c & 0xFFFFFF) >> 8 * (3 - nbytes) else: v = (c & 0xFFFFFF) << (8 * (nbytes - 3)) return v
[docs]def compact_from_uint256(v): """Convert uint256 to compact encoding """ nbytes = (v.bit_length() + 7) >> 3 compact = 0 if nbytes <= 3: compact = (v & 0xFFFFFF) << 8 * (3 - nbytes) else: compact = v >> 8 * (nbytes - 3) compact = compact & 0xFFFFFF # If the sign bit (0x00800000) is set, divide the mantissa by 256 and # increase the exponent to get an encoding without it set. if compact & 0x00800000: compact >>= 8 nbytes += 1 return compact | nbytes << 24
[docs]def uint256_to_str(u): r = b"" for i in range(8): r += struct.pack('<I', u >> (i * 32) & 0xffffffff) return r
[docs]def uint256_to_shortstr(u): s = "%064x" % (u,) return s[:16]
[docs]def ser_compact_size(l): r = b"" if l < 253: r = struct.pack("B", l) elif l < 0x10000: r = struct.pack("<BH", 253, l) elif l < 0x100000000: r = struct.pack("<BI", 254, l) else: r = struct.pack("<BQ", 255, l) return r
[docs]def deser_compact_size(f): nit = struct.unpack("<B",[0] if nit == 253: nit = struct.unpack("<H",[0] elif nit == 254: nit = struct.unpack("<I",[0] elif nit == 255: nit = struct.unpack("<Q",[0] return nit
[docs]def deser_string(f): nit = deser_compact_size(f) return
def ser_string(s): return ser_compact_size(len(s)) + s __all__ = ( 'MAX_SIZE', 'Hash', 'Hash160', 'SerializationError', 'SerializationTruncationError', 'DeserializationExtraDataError', 'ser_read', 'Serializable', 'ImmutableSerializable', 'Serializer', 'VarIntSerializer', 'BytesSerializer', 'VectorSerializer', 'uint256VectorSerializer', 'intVectorSerializer', 'VarStringSerializer', 'uint256_from_str', 'uint256_from_compact', 'compact_from_uint256', 'uint256_to_str', 'uint256_to_shortstr', 'ser_compact_size', 'deser_compact_size', 'deser_string', 'deser_compact_size' )