
Everything consensus critical is found in the core subpackage.


class bitcoincash.core.CBlock(nVersion=2, hashPrevBlock=b'x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00', hashMerkleRoot=b'x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00', nTime=0, nBits=0, nNonce=0, vtx=())[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CBlockHeader

A block including all transactions in it

Create a new block


Return the block hash

Note that this is the hash of the header, not the entire serialized block.

static build_merkle_tree_from_txids(txids)[source]

Build a full CBlock merkle tree from txids

txids - iterable of txids

Returns a new merkle tree in deepest first order. The last element is the merkle root.

WARNING! If you’re reading this because you’re learning about crypto and/or designing a new system that will use merkle trees, keep in mind that the following merkle tree algorithm has a serious flaw related to duplicate txids, resulting in a vulnerability. (CVE-2012-2459) Bitcoin has since worked around the flaw, but for new applications you should use something different; don’t just copy-and-paste this code without understanding the problem first.

static build_merkle_tree_from_txs(txs)[source]

Build a full merkle tree from transactions


Calculate the merkle root

The calculated merkle root is not cached; every invocation re-calculates it from scratch.


Return the block header

Returned header is a new object.

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]

Deserialize from a stream


Serialize to a stream

class bitcoincash.core.CBlockHeader(nVersion=2, hashPrevBlock=b'x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00', hashMerkleRoot=b'x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00', nTime=0, nBits=0, nNonce=0)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.ImmutableSerializable

A block header

static calc_difficulty(nBits)[source]

Calculate difficulty from nBits target

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]

Deserialize from a stream


Serialize to a stream

class bitcoincash.core.CMutableOutPoint(hash=b'x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00', n=4294967295)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.COutPoint

A mutable COutPoint


Return the hash of the serialized object

classmethod from_outpoint(outpoint)[source]

Create a mutable copy of an existing COutPoint

class bitcoincash.core.CMutableTransaction(vin=None, vout=None, nLockTime=0, nVersion=1)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CTransaction

A mutable transaction


Return the hash of the serialized object

classmethod from_tx(tx)[source]

Create a fully mutable copy of a pre-existing transaction

class bitcoincash.core.CMutableTxIn(prevout=None, scriptSig=CScript([]), nSequence=4294967295)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CTxIn

A mutable CTxIn


Return the hash of the serialized object

classmethod from_txin(txin)[source]

Create a fully mutable copy of an existing TxIn

class bitcoincash.core.CMutableTxOut(nValue=-1, scriptPubKey=CScript([]))[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CTxOut

A mutable CTxOut


Return the hash of the serialized object

classmethod from_txout(txout)[source]

Create a fullly mutable copy of an existing TxOut

class bitcoincash.core.COutPoint(hash=b'x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00', n=4294967295)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.ImmutableSerializable

The combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout

classmethod from_outpoint(outpoint)[source]

Create an immutable copy of an existing OutPoint

If outpoint is already immutable (outpoint.__class__ is COutPoint) it is returned directly.

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]

Deserialize from a stream


Serialize to a stream

class bitcoincash.core.CTransaction(vin=(), vout=(), nLockTime=0, nVersion=1)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.ImmutableSerializable

A transaction

Create a new transaction

vin and vout are iterables of transaction inputs and outputs respectively. If their contents are not already immutable, immutable copies will be made.

classmethod from_tx(tx)[source]

Create an immutable copy of a pre-existing transaction

If tx is already immutable (tx.__class__ is CTransaction) then it will be returned directly.

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]

Deserialize from a stream


Serialize to a stream

class bitcoincash.core.CTxIn(prevout=COutPoint(), scriptSig=CScript([]), nSequence=4294967295)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.ImmutableSerializable

An input of a transaction

Contains the location of the previous transaction’s output that it claims, and a signature that matches the output’s public key.

classmethod from_txin(txin)[source]

Create an immutable copy of an existing TxIn

If txin is already immutable (txin.__class__ is CTxIn) it is returned directly.

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]

Deserialize from a stream


Serialize to a stream

class bitcoincash.core.CTxOut(nValue=-1, scriptPubKey=CScript([]))[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.ImmutableSerializable

An output of a transaction

Contains the public key that the next input must be able to sign with to claim it.

classmethod from_txout(txout)[source]

Create an immutable copy of an existing TxOut

If txout is already immutable (txout.__class__ is CTxOut) then it will be returned directly.

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]

Deserialize from a stream


Serialize to a stream

bitcoincash.core.CheckBlock(block, fCheckPoW=True, fCheckMerkleRoot=True, cur_time=None)[source]

Context independent CBlock checks.

Assumes latest consensus rules with regards to block size and sigops count.

CheckBlockHeader() is called first, which may raise a CheckBlockHeader exception, followed the block tests. CheckTransaction() is called for every transaction.

fCheckPoW - Check proof-of-work.

fCheckMerkleRoot - Check merkle root matches transactions.

cur_time - Current time. Defaults to time.time()

exception bitcoincash.core.CheckBlockError[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CheckBlockHeaderError

bitcoincash.core.CheckBlockHeader(block_header, fCheckPoW=True, cur_time=None)[source]

Context independent CBlockHeader checks.

fCheckPoW - Check proof-of-work.

cur_time - Current time. Defaults to time.time()

Raises CBlockHeaderError if block header is invalid.

exception bitcoincash.core.CheckBlockHeaderError[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.ValidationError

bitcoincash.core.CheckProofOfWork(hash, nBits)[source]

Check a proof-of-work

Raises CheckProofOfWorkError

exception bitcoincash.core.CheckProofOfWorkError[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CheckBlockHeaderError


Basic transaction checks that don’t depend on any context.

Raises CheckTransactionError

exception bitcoincash.core.CheckTransactionError[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.ValidationError

class bitcoincash.core.CoreChainParams[source]

Bases: object

Define consensus-critical parameters of a given instance of the Bitcoin system

NAME = None
class bitcoincash.core.CoreMainParams[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CoreChainParams

GENESIS_BLOCK = CBlock(1, lx(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), lx(4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b), 1231006505, 0x1d00ffff, 0x7c2bac1d)
MAX_MONEY = 2100000000000000
NAME = 'mainnet'
PROOF_OF_WORK_LIMIT = 26959946667150639794667015087019630673637144422540572481103610249215
class bitcoincash.core.CoreRegTestParams[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CoreTestNetParams

GENESIS_BLOCK = CBlock(1, lx(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), lx(4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b), 1296688602, 0x207fffff, 0x00000002)
NAME = 'regtest'
PROOF_OF_WORK_LIMIT = 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967
class bitcoincash.core.CoreTestNetParams[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.CoreMainParams

GENESIS_BLOCK = CBlock(1, lx(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), lx(4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b), 1296688602, 0x1d00ffff, 0x18aea41a)
NAME = 'testnet'

SHA256^2)(msg) -> bytes


RIPEME160(SHA256(msg)) -> bytes

bitcoincash.core.MoneyRange(nValue, params=None)[source]
exception bitcoincash.core.ValidationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for all blockchain validation errors

Everything that is related to validating the blockchain, blocks, transactions, scripts, etc. is derived from this class.


Convert bytes to a little-endian hex string

Lets you show uint256’s and uint160’s the way the Satoshi codebase shows them.


Convert bytes to a hex string


Convert a little-endian hex string to bytes

Lets you write uint256’s and uint160’s the way the Satoshi codebase shows them.


Convert an integer money value to a fixed point string


Convert a hex string to bytes


ECC secp256k1 crypto routines

WARNING: This module does not mlock() secrets; your private keys may end up on disk in swap! Use with caution!

class bitcoincash.core.key.CECKey[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper around OpenSSL’s EC_KEY

get_ecdh_key(other_pubkey, kdf=<function CECKey.<lambda>>)[source]
recover(sigR, sigS, msg, msglen, recid, check)[source]

Perform ECDSA key recovery (see SEC1 4.1.6) for curves over (mod p)-fields

recid selects which key is recovered

if check is non-zero, additional checks are performed

verify(hash, sig)[source]

Verify a DER signature

class bitcoincash.core.key.CPubKey[source]

Bases: bytes

An encapsulated secp256k1 public key


is_valid - Corresponds to CPubKey.IsValid()

is_fullyvalid - Corresponds to CPubKey.IsFullyValid()

is_compressed - Corresponds to CPubKey.IsCompressed()

classmethod recover_compact(hash, sig)[source]

Recover a public key from a compact signature.

verifyECDSA(hash, sig)[source]
verifySchnorr(hash, sig)[source]


This is a Python-only Schnorr sign/verify. Compared to the libsecp256k1 bundled with Bitcoin Unlimited this is much less secure as it contains side channel vulnerabilities, and must not be used in an automated-signing environment.

bitcoincash.core.schnorr.sign(privkey, message_hash)[source]

Create a Schnorr signature.

Returns a 64-long bytes object (the signature), or raise ValueError on failure. Failure can occur due to an invalid private key.

privkey should be the 32 byte raw private key (as you would get from bitcoin.deserialize_privkey, etc).

message_hash should be the 32 byte sha256d hash of the tx input (or message) you want to sign

bitcoincash.core.schnorr.verify(pubkey, signature, message_hash)[source]

Verify a Schnorr signature, returning True if valid.

May raise a ValueError or return False on failure.

pubkey should be the the raw public key bytes (as you would get from bitcoin.pubic_key_from_private_key, after hex decoding, etc).

signature should be the 64 byte schnorr signature as would be returned from sign above.

message_hash should be the 32 byte sha256d hash of the tx message to be verified


If Schnorr is available in this installation. Schnorr requires python module ecdsa to be installed.

class bitcoincash.core.schnorr.BlindSigner[source]

Bases: object

Schnorr blind signature creator, signer side.

We calculate R = k*G for some secret k, and share R with the requester. Then, upon receiving an e value, we calculate s = k + e*x, where x is our private key, and return s to the requester. The requester can use this to create a valid Schnorr signature from our public key, without us being able to link the exact request to the unblinded signature.

The most CPU-intense part of this is initialization, where the R value is generated.

Security note: If we were to sign two distinct requests for the same R, then our private key could be recovered. Thus, you can only call .sign() once (and this class enforces this restriction in a thread-safe manner). If you need a new blind signature then you must create a new instance.

Security note 2: If an adversary knows that this private key is related to another key (say, they are related by multiplication or addition of a known factor), then the adversary can use blind signatures to get a valid signature from the other key! For example, all keys in a BIP32 “xpub” are related, and so you should seriously avoid using this function with standard BIP32 or any other public key derivation method.

Security note 3: If a blind signer allows multiple blind signature requests to be serviced in parallel (i.e., have multiple .get_R’s issued at the same time, having not yet received the parameters for .sign), then an adversary can perform work and submit carefully designed requests that allow an additional signature to be created. E.g., with 511 parallel requests, 512 signatures could be produced with ~2^35 work of precomputation on the part of the adversary.


order = <Mock name='mock.SECP256k1.generator.order()' id='140559224422296'>
sign(privkey, ebytes)[source]
class bitcoincash.core.schnorr.BlindSignatureRequest(pubkey, R, message_hash)[source]

Bases: object

Schnorr blind signature creator, requester side.

We expect to be set up with two elliptic curve points (serialized as bytes) – the Blind signer’s public key, and a nonce point whose secret is known by the signer. Also, the 32-byte message_hash should be provided.

Upon construction, this creates and remembers the blinding factors, and also performs the expensive math needed to create the blind signature request. One initialized, call .get_request() to obtain the 32-byte request that should be sent to the signer. Once you get back their 32-byte response, call finalize().

The resultant Schnorr signatures follow the standard BCH Schnorr convention (using Jacobi symbol, pubkey prefixing and SHA256).

Internally we use two random blinding factors a,b. Due to the jacobi thing, we have to also include a signflip factor c = +/- 1.

[signer provides: R = k*G] R’ = c*(R + a*G + b*P) choose c = +1 or -1 such that jacobi(R’.y(), fieldsize) = +1 e’ = Hash(R’.x | ser_compressed(P) | message32) e = c*e’ + b mod n [send to signer: e] [signer provides: s = k + e*x] s’ = c*(s + a) mod n

resulting unblinded signature: (R’.x, s’)


Expects three bytes objects

fieldsize = <Mock name='mock.SECP256k1.curve.p()' id='140559224432064'>
finalize(sbytes, check=True)[source]

expects 32 bytes s value, returns 64 byte finished signature

If check=True (default) this will perform a verification of the result. Upon failure it raises RuntimeError. The cause for this error is that the blind signer has provided an incorrect blinded s value.


returns 32 bytes e value, to be sent to the signer

order = <Mock name='mock.SECP256k1.generator.order()' id='140559224422296'>



Functionality to build scripts, as well as SignatureHash(). Script evaluation is in bitcoincash.core.scripteval

class bitcoincash.core.script.CScriptOp[source]

Bases: int

A single script opcode


Decode a small integer opcode, returning an integer

static encode_op_n(n)[source]

Encode a small integer op, returning an opcode

static encode_op_pushdata(d)[source]

Encode a PUSHDATA op, returning bytes


Return true if the op pushes a small integer to the stack

exception bitcoincash.core.script.CScriptInvalidError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for CScript exceptions

exception bitcoincash.core.script.CScriptTruncatedPushDataError(msg, data)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.script.CScriptInvalidError

Invalid pushdata due to truncation

class bitcoincash.core.script.CScript[source]

Bases: bytes

Serialized script

A bytes subclass, so you can use this directly whenever bytes are accepted. Note that this means that indexing does not work - you’ll get an index by byte rather than opcode. This format was chosen for efficiency so that the general case would not require creating a lot of little CScriptOP objects.

iter(script) however does iterate by opcode.


Get the SigOp count.

fAccurate - Accurately count CHECKMULTISIG, see BIP16 for details.

Note that this is consensus-critical.


Test if script only uses canonical pushes

Not yet consensus critical; may be in the future.


Test if the script is a p2sh scriptPubKey

Note that this test is consensus-critical.


Test if the script only contains pushdata ops

Note that this test is consensus-critical.

Scripts that contain invalid pushdata ops return False, matching the behavior in Bitcoin Core.


Test if the script is provably unspendable


Return True if the script is valid, False otherwise

The script is valid if all PUSHDATA’s are valid; invalid opcodes do not make is_valid() return False.


Concatenate any number of bytes objects.

The bytes whose method is called is inserted in between each pair.

The result is returned as a new bytes object.

Example: b’.’.join([b’ab’, b’pq’, b’rs’]) -> b’’.


Raw iteration

Yields tuples of (opcode, data, sop_idx) so that the different possible PUSHDATA encodings can be accurately distinguished, as well as determining the exact opcode byte indexes. (sop_idx)


Create P2SH scriptPubKey from this redeemScript

That is, create the P2SH scriptPubKey that requires this script as a redeemScript to spend.

checksize - Check if the redeemScript is larger than the 520-byte max pushdata limit; raise ValueError if limit exceeded.

Since a >520-byte PUSHDATA makes EvalScript() fail, it’s not actually possible to redeem P2SH outputs with redeem scripts >520 bytes.

bitcoincash.core.script.FindAndDelete(script, sig)[source]

Consensus critical, see FindAndDelete() in Satoshi codebase

bitcoincash.core.script.RawSignatureHashLegacy(script, txTo, inIdx, hashtype)[source]

Consensus-correct SignatureHash

This is the old signature hash algorithm, before the Bitcoin Cash split in 2017.

Returns (hash, err) to precisely match the consensus-critical behavior of the SIGHASH_SINGLE bug. (inIdx is not checked for validity)

If you’re just writing wallet software you probably want SignatureHash() instead.

bitcoincash.core.script.SignatureHashLegacy(script, txTo, inIdx, hashtype)[source]

Calculate a signature hash

This is the old signature hash algorithm, before the Bitcoin Cash split in 2017.

‘Cooked’ version that checks if inIdx is out of bounds - this is not consensus-correct behavior, but is what you probably want for general wallet use.

bitcoincash.core.script.SignatureHash(script, txTo, inIdx, hashtype, amount, *, legacy_allow=False, legacy_raw=False)[source]

Calculate a signature hash

legacy_allow - Allow hashing using the pre-fork signature hash algorithm

legacy_raw - Don’t use the ‘Cooked’ version that checks if inIdx is out
of bounds.

Loosely correlates with IsLowDERSignature() from script/interpreter.cpp Verifies that the S value in a DER signature is the lowest possible value. Used by BIP62 malleability fixes.


Script evaluation

Be warned that there are highly likely to be consensus bugs in this code; it is unlikely to match Satoshi Bitcoin exactly. Think carefully before using this module.

exception bitcoincash.core.scripteval.EvalScriptError(msg, sop=None, sop_data=None, sop_pc=None, stack=None, scriptIn=None, txTo=None, inIdx=None, flags=None, altstack=None, vfExec=None, pbegincodehash=None, nOpCount=None)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.ValidationError

Base class for exceptions raised when a script fails during EvalScript()

The execution state just prior the opcode raising the is saved. (if available)

exception bitcoincash.core.scripteval.MaxOpCountError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.scripteval.EvalScriptError

exception bitcoincash.core.scripteval.MissingOpArgumentsError(opcode, s, n, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.scripteval.EvalScriptError

Missing arguments

exception bitcoincash.core.scripteval.ArgumentsInvalidError(opcode, msg, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.scripteval.EvalScriptError

Arguments are invalid

exception bitcoincash.core.scripteval.VerifyOpFailedError(opcode, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.scripteval.EvalScriptError

A VERIFY opcode failed

bitcoincash.core.scripteval.EvalScript(stack, scriptIn, txTo, inIdx, flags=(), amount=None)[source]

Evaluate a script

stack - Initial stack

scriptIn - Script

txTo - Transaction the script is a part of

inIdx - txin index of the scriptSig

flags - SCRIPT_VERIFY_* flags to apply

amount - The amount in the txin

exception bitcoincash.core.scripteval.VerifyScriptError[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.ValidationError

bitcoincash.core.scripteval.VerifyScript(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, txTo, inIdx, flags=(), amount=None)[source]

Verify a scriptSig satisfies a scriptPubKey

scriptSig - Signature

scriptPubKey - PubKey

txTo - Spending transaction

inIdx - Index of the transaction input containing scriptSig

Raises a ValidationError subclass if the validation fails.

exception bitcoincash.core.scripteval.VerifySignatureError[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.ValidationError

bitcoincash.core.scripteval.VerifySignature(txFrom, txTo, inIdx)[source]

Verify a scriptSig signature can spend a txout

Verifies that the scriptSig in[inIdx] is a valid scriptSig for the corresponding COutPoint in transaction txFrom.


Serialization routines

You probabably don’t need to use these directly.


SHA256^2)(msg) -> bytes


RIPEME160(SHA256(msg)) -> bytes

exception bitcoincash.core.serialize.SerializationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for serialization errors

exception bitcoincash.core.serialize.SerializationTruncationError[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.SerializationError

Serialized data was truncated

Thrown by deserialize() and stream_deserialize()

exception bitcoincash.core.serialize.DeserializationExtraDataError(msg, obj, padding)[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.SerializationError

Deserialized data had extra data at the end

Thrown by deserialize() when not all data is consumed during deserialization. The deserialized object and extra padding not consumed are saved.

bitcoincash.core.serialize.ser_read(f, n)[source]

Read from a stream safely

Raises SerializationError and SerializationTruncationError appropriately. Use this instead of in your classes stream_(de)serialization() functions.

class bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializable[source]

Bases: object

Base class for serializable objects


Return the hash of the serialized object

classmethod deserialize(buf, allow_padding=False)[source]

Deserialize bytes, returning an instance

allow_padding - Allow buf to include extra padding. (default False)

If allow_padding is False and not all bytes are consumed during deserialization DeserializationExtraDataError will be raised.


Serialize, returning bytes

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]

Deserialize from a stream


Serialize to a stream

class bitcoincash.core.serialize.ImmutableSerializable[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializable

Immutable serializable object


Return the hash of the serialized object

class bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializer[source]

Bases: object

Base class for object serializers

classmethod deserialize(buf)[source]
classmethod serialize(obj)[source]
classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]
classmethod stream_serialize(obj, f)[source]
class bitcoincash.core.serialize.VarIntSerializer[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializer

Serialization of variable length ints

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]
classmethod stream_serialize(i, f)[source]
class bitcoincash.core.serialize.BytesSerializer[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializer

Serialization of bytes instances

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]
classmethod stream_serialize(b, f)[source]
class bitcoincash.core.serialize.VectorSerializer[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializer

Base class for serializers of object vectors

classmethod stream_deserialize(inner_cls, f)[source]
classmethod stream_serialize(inner_cls, objs, f)[source]
class bitcoincash.core.serialize.uint256VectorSerializer[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializer

Serialize vectors of uint256

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]
classmethod stream_serialize(uints, f)[source]
class bitcoincash.core.serialize.intVectorSerializer[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializer

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]
classmethod stream_serialize(ints, f)[source]
class bitcoincash.core.serialize.VarStringSerializer[source]

Bases: bitcoincash.core.serialize.Serializer

Serialize variable length byte strings

classmethod stream_deserialize(f)[source]
classmethod stream_serialize(s, f)[source]

Convert bytes to uint256


Convert compact encoding to uint256

Used for the nBits compact encoding of the target in the block header.


Convert uint256 to compact encoding
